Solar panels installed on the roof of a large industrial buildings

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Answering The Most Frequently Asked Questions about Solar PV

Sustainability and cost-efficiency are becoming paramount for businesses of all sizes, with solar becoming an innovative and eco-friendly solution. Solar energy, with its promise of reduced operational costs, environmental benefits, and energy independence, is an increasingly attractive proposition for businesses seeking to align their operations with the demands of a changing landscape.



We spoke to our Solar specialists, Matthew and Emily, delving into the core concerns that can cast a shadow over the decision-making process. From financial worries to technological uncertainties, we will navigate through these concerns step by step, offering clarity and insights that empower business owners to make well-informed choices for their companies.


Matthew McAdam

Renewables Specialist

What are common reservations you hear when speaking to clients about Solar for their business? How do you respond to these reservations?

The first concern often centres around Capital and Cash Flow. To address this, we help guide you with various financing options, including loans, hire purchase agreements, and power purchase agreements (PPA), allowing businesses to adopt solar with manageable financial arrangements. 


Another reservation is regarding the duration they’ll be in the premises. We reassure clients that solar installations add value to their property and increase its sustainability, making it less likely for them to move, while also ensuring a quick payback period, enabling them to enjoy the benefits before potentially relocating.


The involvement of the Landlord in leased buildings is another point of concern. We inform clients that sometimes landlords are open to financially supporting the solar project, recognising its potential to enhance the building’s longevity and appeal to future tenants. Clients are also cautious about the Price of energy coming down in the future. We emphasise that despite market volatility, adopting solar helps businesses move away from grid reliance, offering stable and guaranteed power prices while potentially earning income from exporting excess electricity.


Regarding energy consumption, low energy consumers worry that solar may not benefit them enough, whereas high energy consumers may fear they won’t have enough space to offset a significant portion of their usage. We tailor our solutions to address these concerns, explaining that for low energy consumers, solar can eliminate the need for grid reliance entirely, potentially creating additional cash flow through exporting surplus energy. On the other hand, for high energy consumers, solar adoption makes their business more sustainable, aligns with green targets, and provides a buffer against market fluctuations, ultimately reducing long-term expenses and dependence on the grid. With these insights and personalised solutions, we strive to dispel reservations and help businesses unlock the full potential of solar energy for a brighter and more sustainable future.

Emily - Staff Photo

Emily Miller

Renewables Specialist

What would you take into consideration when speaking to a business about whether Solar Energy would be a feasible option for them?

When speaking to a business about potentially transitioning to solar energy, there are a lot of things we should take into consideration. To find out whether Solar energy is feasible for a business, we should begin by assessing the energy consumption patterns to identify whether this project can be financially feasible. We will then conduct a financial analysis to understand costs and future potential savings. By calculating the return on investment (ROI), we will be to gauge the long-term financial advantages for each business’ bespoke design.

What would you take into consideration when speaking to a business about whether Solar Energy would be a feasible option for them?

When starting your solar journey, there are several crucial factors to consider to ensure this will be a successful investment for your business. Assess your energy needs and evaluate the suitability of your rooftop or outdoor space to see whether it can accommodate a solar installation. Conduct a financial analysis; by calculating the total cost, potential savings, you will be able to see the return on investment. Lastly, get advice from experts in this field. By selecting a reputable solar energy provider, you can ensure a smooth and beneficial transition to solar power. By carefully considering these factors, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your energy goals and financial capabilities while contributing to a sustainable future.
Solar panels installed on the roof of a large industrial buildings

As you consider the transition to solar energy for your business, we encourage you to keep having regular conversations with Specialists. Continue to ask questions, seek knowledge, and engage with professionals who can guide you through the intricacies of solar adoption. 

Our solar specialists stand ready to be your partners on this journey. They are here to address concerns, provide insights, and empower you to make decisions that align with your business objectives and environmental aspirations. With the right knowledge and guidance, solar can lead your business to a future reliant on clean and renewable power. Simply contact us today using the buttons below to begin your journey to solar success!

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