Matthew McAdam

Renewables Specialist

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Renewable Energy Solutions For Businesses: The Future

This blog discusses renewable energy solutions for business', and a look into the current energy market.

The utilisation and implementation of renewable energy solutions for business’ and consumers are becoming more and more prevalent in the UK. This incorporates all things ranging from higher levels of reporting on energy, sustainable projects and initiatives, and energy reduction methods, in line with the UK outlining several targets to combat climate change impact and become a greener society.

However, what once may have started as an aim to strive towards a greener society has now become almost a necessity to explore, as businesses feel the strain from ever-increasing national grid/suppliers’ costs for their gas and electricity. The impact of low energy generation throughout the COVID-19 pandemic for numerous reasons, such as lower than usual wind speeds over the North Sea, causing a rise in cost following the greater demand for power once the UK headed back to some form of normality.


The impact of this was then intensified due to the disaster of the IFA Interconnector Fire back in September 2021. Which was around the same time as the planned maintenance works to be conducted on the Nord Stream transporter, which had been delayed and hit another stumbling block when access to the required turbines was not possible. However, the price increases did not stop following the issues mentioned above, due to the tragic war in Ukraine, and Russia controlling the majority of Europe’s gas supply and lowering the gas flow to Europe by almost 80% of capacity.

The proactive implementation of self-generation projects and energy reduction solutions provides businesses with the means to become less reliant on the volatility of the wholesale market, through the implementation of self-generation. As the rise in costs continues to be in the realms of limits we have never encountered before, the return on investment shortens and the benefits continue to grow.

As the industry for self-generation and renewable projects continues to expand, the opportunities for you as a business to benefit continue to become increasingly available for you to reap the rewards instantly. A great starting point for any business looking to tap into the renewable and self-generating market could be anything from; Solar PV, wind, CHP (Combined Heat and Power), and Air Source Heat Pumps to name a few.

Solar PV

Solar PV is more than likely to be the most known and thought of project when it comes to self-generation. Providing 100% green and environmentally friendly power to your business, aiding towards Carbon Net-Zero.

Of course, every business’s needs are not the same, so therefore it comes down to what is efficient for you as a business and how you would benefit from this.

Solar PV comes in many forms, whether that be roof installation, ground installation or even a new form of Solar PV – Carports PV. The most common of those would be roof installation; however, Carport Installations are now becoming more common to maximise potential space to be utilised.

Wind Power

Like Solar PV, Wind Power provides 100% green and environmentally friendly power. Although when you think of wind power, you can begin to think of the large turbines we see in fields across the UK, this is not always the case.


As the wind power industry has expanded, so have the solutions available – ranging from small turbines which can be installed on roofs and generate a small amount of power, or whether that to a smaller scale wind turbine which can be installed on a mast – thus generating a greater amount of power. However, with wind power comes various restraints and criteria that need to be met through planning permission, it can prove difficult to implement but not impossible.

Combined Heat & Power (CHP)

Combined Heat and Power (CHP) enables you as a business to generate your own electricity on-site, reducing reliance on the grid.  In addition to the on-site generation of your electricity, the CHP Unit provides free sustainable heat for use across the site through heat recovery. This is almost twice as efficient as the traditional centralised generation.

Typically, CHP would be used within the manufacturing industry, who uses heat and steam in their processing, however, it is not uncommon to be used elsewhere and still be of great benefit. CHP has been utilised in educational facilities such as universities, schools and colleges, as well as Hospitals, events arenas and many more; which are all now benefitting from the simultaneous generation of electricity and heat for their site.

Energy Reduction Methods & LED Lighting

Mentioned earlier was the impact the recent rise in gas and electricity costs in the UK and across Europe is having on businesses, and how they can benefit from the likes of self-generation projects.


However, the investment in self-generation is an expense that some businesses may not want to undertake, or do not have the need to do so due to minimal consumption. This is where energy reduction methods can come to the forefront to help with the rise in costs for the business’s utilities.

A well-known and common project which many, but not all businesses have implemented in the last 5-10 years, would be LED Lighting, instead of the standard outdated halogen lightbulbs.


The implementation of LED Lighting saves money for your business in many ways. In brief, LED Lighting, uses less electricity to power the bulb, therefore reducing the amount of energy to light the building. LED Lights themselves are also longer lasting – reducing the replacement bulbs and further savings to made on having to be constantly changing bulbs. Finally, due to improvements in light disparity and the area covered by the brighter more efficient bulbs, fewer bulbs are needed to fill the same space, which furthermore adds to the benefits of having them, and the reduction in consumption of electricity as well as bulb replacements.

Carbon Net-Zero Pathways

Renewable energy and carbon net-zero pathways go hand in hand, whether that be for your own net-zero ambitions or pressures from the supply chain and consumers of your goods who have begun taking the steps towards carbon neutrality.


The implementation of said projects mentioned above allows you, as a business to offset your carbon emissions, as well as reduce your Green House Gas (GHG) emissions when talking about Solar PV & Wind.

How can we help?

Here at Renewable Energy Solutions (RES), we can assist you with exploring and implementing these projects and the ongoing management. We are happy to discuss with you your business needs, and long-term goals and assess your current situation when it comes to utilities. This allows us to build a relationship with you and recommend the best solutions for your individual business to maximise the benefits of any project you are looking to implement.

We care deeply about the effects businesses are having on our environment. If we can all do a little bit together, we can make a huge difference.To discuss any of the solutions mentioned in this blog, call 0800 989 0143 or book a consultation using the button below.
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